目前分類:當下心情的歌 (17)

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你叫我如何不去想 你叫我怎麼能忘卻心傷
你想通了又怎樣 回頭了又怎樣 改變了又能怎樣

不再對你存有幻想 早已不再對你抱任何希望
再溫柔的愛對你都是一樣 想要放你就能放

在心寒的街道 冷不冷對我已不重要
對與錯的紛紛擾擾 誰能記牢真心的好

感情的果我已嚐到 酸甜已明瞭 你知道我知道
是你不要 不是我忘了 那些難以計算的煎熬
寂寞的苦我已嚐到 進退已分曉 你知道我知道
誰給的多誰付出的少 愛是回憶築的橋(用回憶築的橋)

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主角是78歲的老頭卡爾·費迪遜(Carl Fredricksen),





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*後來 我總算學會了如何去愛 可惜你早已遠去 消失在人海
 後來 終於在眼淚中明白 有些人 一旦錯過就不再

梔子花白花瓣 落在我藍色百褶裙上
愛你 你輕聲說 我低下頭聞見一陣芬芳
那個永恆的夜晚 十七歲仲夏 你吻我的那個夜晚
讓我往後的時光 每當有感嘆 總想起當天的星光

那時候的愛情 為什麼就能那樣簡單
而又是為什麼 人年少時 一定要讓深愛的人受傷
在這相似的深夜裡 你是否一樣 也在靜靜追悔感傷
如果當時我們能 不那麼倔強 現在也不那麼遺憾

你都如何回憶我 帶著笑或是很沉默
 這些年來 有沒有人能讓你不寂寞

Repeat * #,*,*

永遠不會再重來 有一個男孩 愛著那個女孩


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比利喬( Billy Joel )
My Life

Got a call from an old friend
We used to be real close
Said he couldn't go on the American way
Closed the shop, sold the house
Bought a ticket to the West Coast
Now he gives them a stand-up routine in L.A.

I don't need you to worry for me cause I'm alright
I don't want you to tell me it's time to come home
I don't care what you say anymore, this is my life
Go ahead with your own life, and leave me alone

I never said you had to offer me a second chance
I never said I was a victim of circumstance
I still belong, don't get me wrong

And you can speak your mind
But not on my time

They will tell you you can't sleep alone
In a strange place
Then they'll tell you you can't sleep
With somebody else
But sooner or later you sleep
In your own space
Either way it's okay
You wake up with yourself

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即使難過得要死,我也不會 表現出來的!!!




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(((p.s.如影片網址列式如這時 ~~只需複製網址中 v= xxxxxxxxxxxx&feature=....紅色標示這裡複製下來)))

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xxxxxxxxxx " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="390"></embed>

xxxxxxxxxx         影片ID

width="640" height="390   寬 高

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She put him out like the burnin' end of a midnight cigarette   她離開了他,如同一支在 午夜燃盡的香煙   
She broke his heart he spent his whole life tryin' to forget   她傷透了他的心,他將要用他的餘生去忘記   
We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time   在很短的時間裡我們望見他喝完了他心中的痛   
But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind   可他卻從未喝到足以讓她從他的心中離去   
Until the night   直到那晚 ?   
He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger   他把酒瓶放在了頭上並扣動了手槍的扳機   
And finally drank away her memory   最終他喝完了所有關於她的記憶   
Life is short but this time it was bigger   生命是短暫的,但這一刻它卻如此強大   
Than the strength he had to get up off his knees   甚至大過了他再次站起來回到生活中的力量   
We found him with his face down in the pillow   我們發現他倒在枕頭上   
With a note that said I'll love her till I die   而在枕邊的一個便箋上寫著:"我愛她直至我生命終結的那一刻。"   
And when we buried him beneath the willow   當我們把他安葬在低垂的柳樹下時   
The angels sang a whiskey lullaby   天使們唱起了威士卡安魂曲 ~~  

The rumors flew but nobody knew how much she blamed herself   謠言四起可卻無人知曉她是多麼的責怪著自己   
For years and years she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath   年復一年她試著把威士卡藏匿在她的呼吸中   
She finally drank her pain away a little at a time   最終在很短的時間裡她喝完了她心中的苦   
But she never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind   可她卻從未喝到足以讓他從她的心中離去   
Until the night   直到那晚   
She put that bottle to her head and pulled the trigger   她把酒瓶放在了頭上並扣動了手槍的扳機 ?   
And finally drank away his memory   最終她喝完了所有關於他的記憶   
Life is short but this time it was bigger   生命是短暫的,但這一刻它卻如此強大   
Than the strength she had to get up off her knees   甚至大過了她重新站起來回到生活中的力量   
We found her with her face down in the pillow   我們發現她倒在枕頭上   
Clinging to his picture for dear life   緊緊握著親愛的他的相片   
We laid her next to him beneath the willow   我們把她安葬在低垂的柳樹下緊靠在他的身旁
While the angels sang a whiskey lullaby   那會兒天使們唱起了威士卡安魂曲

聽完後,哭到一個不行= ="...

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又不是第一次聽到這首歌了,今天聽到居然感動得哭了@@!... 願天下有情人遠離傷痛~

I don't wanna talk about it(我不想談起這件事)

I can tell by your eyes that you've probaly been crying forever           從你眼中,我看得出來 你已經哭過千百回了
And the stars in the sky don't mean nothing to you they're a mirror    天上的星星對你毫無意義 對你而言,它們只是鏡子

I don't wanna talk about it how you broke my heart           我不想談這件事你是如何傷了我的心
If I stay here just a little bit longer                                      如果我留下來久一點
If I stay here won't you listen to my heart. oh, my heart     如果我真的留下來你可會傾聽我的心事

If I stand all alone  will the shadows hide the color of my heart            如果我孤伶伶的站著影子可會掩蓋我內心的顏色
Blue for the tears, black for the night's fears                                        藍色是淚水,黑色是夜晚的恐懼
The stars in the sky don't mean nothing to you they're a mirror           天上的星星對你毫無意義對你而言,它們就像鏡子

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